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With my 3570k and Linux Mint I run up to 4 WUs on the VII from time to time, the 3700x is faster and can also process 5...
27th May 2020
Laut Serverstatus sind zur Zeit keine WUs für BRP4 verfügbar, da der zuständige Workgenerator nicht läuft. Möglicherweise...
26th April 2020
IMHO this is a fixed limit of BOINC. I don't know of any configuration setting that can change this value.
27th January 2020
What are your cache settings? "too many tasks" is a message from BOINC, because the maximum limit is 1000 WUs per project...
27th January 2020
Another data point: Not a 5700, but with a Radeon VII: > So download a version of Linux and put Boinc on it and see what...
24th November 2019