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I am starting to get a bunch of validate errors also...not listing them unless admin wants more examples....haven't had...
16th November 2006
Quote:Quote:Has an optimized been done to cause this? Running the same frequency on an sse3 and all of a sudden 2 of...
29th July 2006
Yes Bernd it does bear out to wall clock time. I do run an optimimized Boinc client but the real cpu time co-oberates my...
29th July 2006
Jayargh started discussion New Dataset 15% Faster
Has an optimized been done to cause this? Running the same frequency on an sse3 and all of a sudden 2 of the last wu's...
29th July 2006
Winterknight I also have a dataset that has many pending....It seems some datasets have less priority than others.....I...
22nd July 2006