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There is a 3rd Party Tool BoincDv that is designed to only look at LTD (there are other 3rd party Tools there also). It...
9th September 2005
Quote:Quote: I don't suppose you made a note of the OS's used in all the results for WUID=1821847 by any chance? No (...
9th September 2005
I'm sure there would be many people far more knowledgeable than me who would be only too willing to look at this in some...
9th September 2005
ok then Gary is it NOT a validator problem if 2 subsequent results (and mine had a 0 exit status) now are invalid with "...
9th September 2005
ok Gary Roberts I still stand by my result 1821847 that one of the "validated" results had an extrmely short compute time...
9th September 2005