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Quote:BRP5 credit definitely requires some more investigation and thinking, more than we have time for now. For the...
1st June 2013
Quote:As far as I remember we discovered and reported this while CUDA 4.0 was in alpha test to developers, I think...
30th May 2013
Quote:If we're sticking to nice round figures, may I propose 4,000? That would be 456 credits per hour on this host -...
26th May 2013
BRP5 PAS tasks are slightly over 10x longer than BRP4: - GTX560 (3 WUs in parallel) - BRP4 (3400 s) - BRP5 (39000 s) -...
25th May 2013
Hey! I think you need to install different drivers (I guess 305.93): Quote:2012-10-23 05:42:58.8793 [PID=20116...
23rd October 2012