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MICHAEL commented on The Last Word
Quote:Quote:Looney but not "totally", you still have the word and some of us need it; otherwise we don't operate with...
12th September 2006
Hev, thank you! What a perfect poem. "There are no coincidences." So wrote James Redfield and the poem grabbed you as...
11th September 2006
Oneness of The World' by Tricia LaRose Vicedomine What world bleeds hearts of desperate needs So bound in Hate that...
8th September 2006
MICHAEL commented on Why do I bother?
Kathryn: Obviously, YOU ARE NOT AN IDIOT!!! You, of all people, who made a personal sacrifice to go to Korea to...
5th September 2006
When a child who is hungry and thirsty, Cries out in great pain ‘Allah, be merciful, send me some water, Send me some...
1st September 2006