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Hmmm, well, Kajunfisher is mostly harmless, he just has a habit of typing with his forehead and hats tend to upset him...
20th November 2005
Quote:Hey, there's a certain quality missing of late, a certain furry, orange, buggy-eyed, bushy-tailed bundle of...
20th November 2005
Quote:In our team we all share a brain, with the collective IQ of a walnut. This may explain a few things......
17th November 2005
Quote:Quote:That's because he's a cat. I'm just wierd. :-) Compared to what, or to whom? When was this monolithic...
17th November 2005
Quote:Hang on, so this is a contest for your team members only? Why are you mentioning it here? Seems better suited to...
17th November 2005