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mikey commented on Too many errors !
Quote:Quote:Exit code 112 means: ERR_XML_PARSE -112 unexpected XML tag or syntax Unexpected XML tag or XML format...
29th November 2010
mikey commented on Scheduling issue?
Quote:Quote:einstein CPU scheduling 1288 work fetch -37658 That's definitely a Long Term Debt issue. If you don't...
29th November 2010
Quote:I recently added the Einstein@Home project to my BOINC Manager while SETI@home is down, and my computer...
28th November 2010
Quote:Eeven with the BOINC manager enabled all projects to download new tasks: from EINSTEIN no new tasks are...
28th November 2010
mikey commented on Scheduling issue?
Quote:Ok I didnt check that they over rode my online settings. I was under the impresson that your local settings...
28th November 2010