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mikey commented on Summer Heat Wave
Quote:Yeah. Been there, done that and got the T-shirt! :-( Vested interest in status quo alas. 'Democratising' energy...
30th June 2011
mikey commented on Summer Heat Wave
Quote:Quote:Looks interesting. It would definitely make more sense than solar or wind power. That's debatable. Solar...
30th June 2011
mikey commented on Summer Heat Wave
Quote:Quote:Quote:Well folks, it's that time of year again. I tried to tough it out with the heat, and have kept...
28th June 2011
Quote:Well I'm sorry but you're wrong Dirk have you signed up to the Boinc Developers Mailing List yet? That is...
28th June 2011
mikey commented on Summer Heat Wave
Quote:Well folks, it's that time of year again. I tried to tough it out with the heat, and have kept things going...
27th June 2011