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Quote:I'm getting an updated v1.52 for ... intel-gpu. Anything in particular you'd like us to watch out for? My...
9th March 2015
My 1st beta 1.52 is running on my Intel HD4000 (1.30 GHz, i7 3770K with dual channel DDR3-2400)! It's going to take a long...
9th March 2015
From the results I see from the new nVidia and AMD app this should be right what the doctor ordered for iGPUs as well! The...
8th March 2015
As far as I know the part after "In the new version..." is in the current beta, whereas "A further optimization..." is...
8th March 2015
You may want to opt in for the beta. For BRP6 the results seem to be very nice with app 1.50. At 70% memory controller...
8th March 2015