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Quote:Mr Bruce better find a way to NOT send short WUs to fast computers. My Core2 will finish almost 3 of the short...
31st August 2006
I'm seeing about a 14% speedup with 4.17 compared to the stock app on my coppermine celeron 800. Times for short wus are...
1st August 2006
Quote:Ignoring the issue of credit (which is always a touchy subject), there's another issue which may drive some...
19th June 2006
Matt LO commented on 64 Bit!!!
I'll add my name to the wishlist requesting an x86-64 app. Processors and OS's are already around, and eventually when M...
15th June 2006
Quote: Note that while S4 units are still around, you may also get them after you removed the app_info.xml and you...
15th June 2006