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The x440 IBM was delivered yesterday morning. Has eight 1.9Ghz MP Xeons with HT. Short 2GB of memory for the second...
1st November 2007
Just picked up a IBM x440 on ebay, it will be here next week. Has 8 1.9Ghz MP Xeons with HT, L3 cache is 1024. It has 2...
23rd October 2007
Downloaded Debian and Fedora this afternoon. I'll wait to load them until I can pickup 3-4 removable HDD trays. I could...
21st October 2007
Downloaded Mandriva late last night. Loaded it on an old dual Pentium Pro 200, 1GB 50ns EDO ECC Dimms, 12.7GB HDD,...
21st October 2007
Jim Bailey commented on Success!!!
All right! Talk about hanging in there!
21st October 2007