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Beyond commented on AMD Processors
"Conclusion: The Pentium 4 Must Go (alternatively: Kill The Pentium 4!) " Good idea... However at this point why buy...
3rd June 2005
Wow, haven't been back for a while. A belated thanks: Thanks Digger for taking the time to add up those results to...
17th May 2005
Thought I'd add a final update to this. 17 results have now been awarded credit for this machine: http://...
22nd April 2005
> If 4.25 will honour the "only run when idle for x mins" preference, > I'll be in Hog Heaven because anybody using...
22nd April 2005
> So I decided to use the preference for running the service only when the > computer is idle. However, that doesn'...
20th April 2005