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Quote:Now for a really dumb question, why is it so difficult to use? Why is there no math lib that incorporates SSE in...
9th March 2008
Quote:Again, what's the big deal? 'Human Nature' I suspect ... :-) It's a couple or five generations gone now,...
6th March 2008
My advice would be to consider 'irritated' opinion only from those who have done more for E@H than Akos, and that any...
6th March 2008
Quote:LOL...Alinator Guest? .... Heck no! .... I could host! :-) Me, I am 'old' and can certainly be reliably...
6th March 2008
Quote:No argument there on the first part. IIRC this is the problem in 9x with CPU time. MS just didn't build the...
6th March 2008