Recent posts

Just a reminder, The E@H Web site will be down for maintenance in about one hour from now (the time of this post).
27th September 2017
The Einstein@Home Web site will be down for about 5-10 minutes on 2017-09-27 while we reboot the server for a security patch...
26th September 2017
To follow up- We managed to fix Frank's problem by having him Private Message (PM) me, and he gave me a new email and...
20th September 2017
Frank _SG_ wrote:Hi, i have the same problem, "unknown email/password" und a wrong CPID. I just changed email AND pw at...
19th September 2017
As Archae86 said, LIGO is a gravitational wave experiment. However Arecibo is a Radio telescope. And it can only view a...
19th September 2017