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DanNeely wrote:Is there a way to opt out of the GPU tasks from the engineering run until they're able to perform better...
15th April 2019
A fresh comparison... with some new results. RX cards are able to run 5x !  RUN TIMES PER TASK: host# , GPU , concurrency...
14th April 2019
Xeon X56.. @ 4 GHz, Windows 7 Avg run time (5 concurrent): v0.03 : 31951 s v0.05 : 18923 s v0.06 (reported 11 Apr 19:35...
12th April 2019
A quick note about total wattage. I don't have a Kill A Watt type of tool, but three of my hosts get their AC from a power...
12th April 2019
Gary, thank you very much for your encouraging words. My anxious tests are again far from scientific precision… but I’ll be...
12th April 2019