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Zalster wrote:Wow, these GPU O2MD1 run really fast compared to their CPU counterparts.  190 seconds compared to 25K...
9th October 2019
I think it could be a 'linux vs windows' thing. I'm running 3x with RX 580 on another host. Total run times may fluctuate...
9th October 2019
I aborted about 120 tasks more (about 370 tasks total, including yesterday) on the overwhelmed host and left only enough for...
9th October 2019
Thank you both ! I added that extra line now in cc_config.xml. Half-life was a freakin' great game...  and at least a couple...
7th October 2019
Jim1348 wrote:I see you are running BOINC 7.16.3 too.  I had that same problem (even worse) on WCG after upgrading, and...
7th October 2019