Recent posts

There's something about segmentation violation in general: Your...
4th February 2017
Server status says: 37 % work still remaining (22 days estimated) I haven't monitored that constantly, but progress seems...
2nd February 2017
AgentB wrote:AMDGPU-PRO-Driver-for-Linux-Release 16.60   I tried to update from 16.50 to 16.60 but gave up after several...
30th January 2017
Server log says: 2017-01-29 16:37:46.6417 [PID=4507 ] [version] Checking plan class 'FGRPopencl-nvidia' 2017-01-29 16:...
29th January 2017
eeqmc2_52 wrote:What is considered a fast cpu? Can someone give me a model number as an example?    https://...
28th January 2017