Recent posts

I tried 14.9 on Windows 8.1 and found it to be about the same as 14.7 RC3. Both of the newest drivers seem load up the CPU...
14th October 2014
Sid I have found that Perseus BRP task require little memory per task, running 3 at a time only consumes 680-700 mb. This...
16th September 2014
It looks like the GPU 1 card is not as tolerant of increases to the BLCK while using the 13.12 driver, it produced a few...
6th September 2014
Gary, sorry about the validation errors, I noticed it a few hours into the run testing 13.12, unfortunately it took me a...
6th September 2014
3 task per cards looks to be ideal on the 13.12 drivers the few tasks completed so far I have observed a 10% shorter task...
4th September 2014