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Keith Myers wrote: mountkidd wrote: Keith Myers wrote: Too bad that gpu-utils isn't working yet on the RX 7900 series...
5th May 2023
Keith Myers wrote: Too bad that gpu-utils isn't working yet on the RX 7900 series cards or you could use that to limit...
5th May 2023
Scrooge McDuck wrote: There's no obvious problem here. Task runs for 64 minutes on the CPUs' iGPU (Radeon) of this...
27th April 2023
Hi Martin, Looking at the task log for one of your GR tasks from earlier today, I see a huge problem: 03:32:25 (...
26th April 2023
Corectrl worked fine with my dual RX480’s. These cards/driver reported fewer parameters than my RX6800 but still enough...
25th April 2023