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Quote:Anyway, the host in question shows runtimes around 3700s - which could well be, depending on his configuration...
27th January 2014
Hi Robert, A couple of things stand out with your setup. The GTX260 and R7 250 are very similar in terms of GFlops/s....
27th December 2013
Quote:Thanks for the info, and is this also the cause that GTX 6XX cards run so slowly? I don't think so. That...
17th October 2013
Quote:Oops I think I found some clue: Using CUDA device #0 "GeForce 9600 GT" (64 CUDA cores / 312.00 GFLOPS) vs...
16th October 2013
The stderr logs are showing an access violation in nvcuda.dll. The developers should be looking at this. Its possible...
6th October 2013