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Hi Oliver If you could share some of the event log output that would be helpful. Some errors in the online task logs show...
2nd November 2017
Mike Hewson wrote:A black hole is not a solid object in the same way that a neutron star is. I guess we (incorrectly?)...
30th October 2017
AgentB wrote:may try running x4 / x5 / x6 tomorrow.  x5 now seems about optimal, another 2% improvement on x3 clinfo...
28th October 2017
I knew this wasn't making sense. When you try to take short-cuts in linux, the penguins faithfully and obediently do what...
26th October 2017
mountkidd wrote:I was running 17.30 before. OK that is interesting, i notice you are running kernel 4.10 and i'm back at 4...
26th October 2017