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AgentB commented on Milestones V
10M at last - not bad for an i3! (with some help from nVidia)
5th June 2013
I noticed this guy today ... (BRP4X64) WU
10th May 2013
AgentB commented on Invalid Tasks
Quote: I then fired up BOINC and the manager to see whether the E@H WU would start and it did. Looking through the...
10th May 2013
AgentB commented on Invalid Tasks
Quote: I am running on Ubuntu 12.04 with BOINC and NVIDIA drivers from the repos (7.0.27 and 304.88 respectively)....
10th May 2013
Quote:Now, the weird thing here is this: Setting cc_config.xml to let BOINC work with HTTP 1.0 instead of the normal...
22nd April 2013