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AgentB wrote: Tasks for 12242223  I'll leave it running for today.  If you want a copy of the wisdom file posted / PMd...
30th July 2017
AgentB commented on ubuntu 16.04
Rob if you don't have a lot of time I'd definitely agree with Gary and take the fgrlx road with 14.04 LTS.  If you really...
30th July 2017
Thanks Bernd A day or so ago i changed 12242223 to run 1.08 tasks only and completion times settled at 38K seconds, about...
29th July 2017
AgentB commented on Safe GPU temps?
As archae suggests most modern GPUs and CPUs will protect themselves with fan profiles and processor throttling.  I have run...
24th July 2017
AgentB commented on Milestones VI
  Epoch time aka Unix time reached 1.5 billion on Fri 14 Jul 02:40:00 UTC...      
22nd July 2017