Recent posts

Hi Oliver, Hope it cures the present slow response of the site:-) Its a bit like wading thorough treacle right now...
10th April 2015
Hi, The mega delay is quite recent though, its always updated a lot faster hitherto. I now also notice that e@h is slow...
10th April 2015
Hi Folks, Just come across something a tad strange.. I got 6 new WU on d/l from the server, and as is my usual...
10th April 2015
Hi Mikey, Quote: I have 15 pc's running with 11 of them crunching various Boinc Projects, logging onto each one...
8th April 2015
Hi Gary, Quote:I've shifted the discussion of the usefulness, or otherwise, of RAC to this new thread. I trust...
8th April 2015