Jasper commented on Validation Error - Help with GPU (Caicos)
Quote:I don't use v7.6.22 (I use 7.2.42) so it may be a different menu item to what I'm used to. On mine, it's under...
9th July 2016
I though about all that a few days, something kept bugging me but I was in a pain to remember exactly what.
There is no...
28th June 2016
Quote:Jasper: you obviously have wingmen on those tasks where you already uploaded and reported the tasks. Once those...
25th June 2016
I don´t think I´m all that much confused - although that´s arguably subject to debate - but just discussing what I see...
25th June 2016
Thank you for the mighty quick reaction, Christian!
I´m happy enough already, knowing that there is no reason to...
25th June 2016
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