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archae86 wrote:Another setting you (or more likely someone else later coming on this thread) may wish to check:...
19th November 2019
solling2 wrote:Just a question for clarity of your request: in preferences/project/additionals settings, is 'Allow non-...
19th November 2019
Logforme started discussion Prevent O2MD GPU tasks
Since the O2MD GPU app has been promoted from beta to live my workstation machine have downloaded tons of tasks for it. The...
19th November 2019
Bernd Machenschalk wrote:We found a problem in the app code that will negatively impact the sensitivity of the search. We...
9th October 2019
Logforme commented on Project down
Bernd Machenschalk wrote:It looks like we got everything working again. I get  "Project is temporarily shut down for...
10th September 2019