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Pete commented on Computation errors
Thank you for your reply. It is the nvidia m/c. Detach and move the E folder to trash.  I took this to mean remove the...
17th February 2017
Pete started discussion Computation errors
I am running the Gamma ray pulsar binary search #1 on GPUs 1.20 and have suddenly today started to get computation errors...
17th February 2017
Pete started discussion Intel GPU validation errors
In my case since the 5th Feb I have been getting multiple validation errors on the tasks run by my intel gpu...
8th February 2017
I would like to take issue with Oliver Bock's comment on page 12 of this thread where he states that utilising the gpu at...
18th December 2016
Pete commented on Unsent WU
Thank you both for the explanation. Pete
18th April 2016