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Quote:Interesting point - somewhat off topic - but I can't find a primary reference for the default LED behaviours on...
23rd September 2015
When you say dual outlet 20w, it isn't a Belkin one is it? That's what I used before the Pi2's. They are a USB charger and...
21st September 2015
The Pi2's are much more fussy about the power supply. I was using a dual USB charger to run the B's and then B+ but the...
21st September 2015
I had intermittent lock-ups about once a week from my overclocked Pi2's. I set them back to stock and I haven't had a lock...
10th August 2015
Quote:pi@raspberrypi2 /etc/fftw $ cat wisdomf (fftw-3.3.2 fftwf_wisdom #x4a633eef #xb5a95564 #x91014bdd #x9c85ce5f...
10th June 2015