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now it started on my machine too. Quote:12/3/2010 7:29:33 PM Einstein@Home Sending scheduler request: To fetch work...
3rd December 2010
Hi, you have a CUDA-card and used it for crunching the ABP-WUs. So it´s probably the same problem like in this thread...
1st December 2010
Hi, you have a CUDA-card and used it for crunching the ABP-WUs. So it´s probably the same problem like in this thread...
1st December 2010
Quote:We are still looking into the remaining issues with a new generation of (CUDA) applications, it is not clear yet...
30th November 2010
tolafoph commented on Result refused
Hi, I´ve a CUDA card and a dual-core and know the problem. The CUDA-tasks take under 3h but the GW around 6h. When...
30th November 2010