I have two Android phones, version 4.5 and 7.0. Are they not good enough? As they never get any Einstein tasks. AFAIK...
27th April 2020
Mr P Hucker started discussion Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo, GPU) still running?
Is "Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo, GPU)" still running? It's a tickbox in preferences, but I never get any for my AMD...
27th April 2020
Mr P Hucker commented on Discussion Thread for the Continuous GW Search known as O2MD1 (now O2MDF - GPUs only)
Tom M wrote:I have thrown up my hands and dropped the excludes and switched on GW gpu only. Its beginning to look like...
25th April 2020
Mr P Hucker commented on Discussion Thread for the Continuous GW Search known as O2MD1 (now O2MDF - GPUs only)
Tom M wrote:How about changing it to 0.5+ 0.1? It will poll more frequently while not carrying as big a cache. And your...
24th April 2020
Mr P Hucker commented on Discussion Thread for the Continuous GW Search known as O2MD1 (now O2MDF - GPUs only)
Ian&Steve C. wrote:i don't think it has to do with the driver. some GW workunits require more memory than others, even...
24th April 2020
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