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I have two Android phones, version 4.5 and 7.0.  Are they not good enough?  As they never get any Einstein tasks.  AFAIK...
27th April 2020
Is "Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo, GPU)" still running?  It's a tickbox in preferences, but I never get any for my AMD...
27th April 2020
Tom M wrote:I have thrown up my hands and dropped the excludes and switched on GW gpu only.  Its beginning to look like...
25th April 2020
Tom M wrote:How about changing it to 0.5+ 0.1? It will poll more frequently while not carrying as big a cache. And your...
24th April 2020
Ian&Steve C. wrote:i don't think it has to do with the driver. some GW workunits require more memory than others, even...
24th April 2020