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How come my signature has "Idle projects" listed and nobody else's does?  How can I remove that from the list?  I can only...
6th May 2020
Server status: GW tasks valid 1,152,567 GW tasks failed 298,298 Presumably this is the GPU RAM problem.  Can the server...
6th May 2020
Ian&Steve C. wrote:1. I wasn’t the first to bring it up. Well just saying "Jesus....." isn't religious.  I might...
5th May 2020
Ian&Steve C. wrote: Not sure what our Lord and savior has to do with this. Do you have to bring religion into...
5th May 2020
robl wrote: Total agreement here.  i too am in my mid  70s.  While the mind is willing the body is not.  Alot of stuff...
4th May 2020