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Quote: Alternatively, if we could only have MMX at this point, not even SSE, the deadline issues would likely be moot...
19th May 2007
Quote: If anyone is interested, the Linux distro I chose to use is PCLinuxOS 2007 TR-4. Check it out on...
18th May 2007
Quote:please look at the following results, as they are finished, in time, but 0 credit: 3342146733419012 about 500...
13th May 2007
Donald A. Tevault commented on S5R2
Hi all! I noticed that my pending credits are mounting, and so I took a look at the server status page. It shows the '...
12th May 2007
Donald A. Tevault commented on S5R2
For anyone who's intersted, here are some updated results for S5R2 workunits on my machines. (These represent the largest...
5th May 2007