Alinator commented on A Feast of Strange Resends??
Another interesting tidbit you can glean from looking over all the tasks for the host Gary highlighted.
10th August 2008
Alinator commented on Thoughts On Credits
Quote:Quote:Some participants have from time to time expressed quite an enthusiasm for some species of 'certificate of...
10th August 2008
Alinator commented on Woohoo! I got my first S5R4 task. :-D
Or perhaps everything could be considered on topic...
Conversation here is usually allowed to be free flowing...
8th August 2008
Alinator commented on Woohoo! I got my first S5R4 task. :-D
Also, it is stated that the following are both true:
1. More work is being done per task.
2. Each task...
8th August 2008
Alinator commented on Woohoo! I got my first S5R4 task. :-D
Agreed, he was comparing the basis to the rate. They are not the same thing.
The basis in Cobblestones is a unit work....
8th August 2008
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