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Alinator commented on 1/4th done!
Quote: Yeah, sticker shock!!! But don't you *just* love that new 'puter smell? Sparky LOL, I remember when a...
15th March 2006
One thing you may want to try before giving up on the laptop for EAH is to experiment with the switch task interval and/or...
15th March 2006
First result in for K6-2/500: 28:59:10, Not too shabby for a slug. WOW, previous run times with Albert were in the...
10th March 2006
Quote:Quote:Thanks for your continued efforts. Seems to be running fine on a K6-2, and hopefully I'll be back in...
10th March 2006
Noted, but at around 200K for stock Albert I'll take anything I can get! Thanks again for the updated apps and further...
9th March 2006