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Alinator commented on Short work units
I just noticed this thread. I have a K6-2/500 which is running a large data pack at the moment and it takes around 9...
24th August 2006
Hmmm.... OK, I have averaged 6.37 "small x"'s over the 19 results I have showing, ranging from none to 63 per WU....
22nd August 2006
Quote:There are two completely different "things" you can give "credit" for: 1. The contribution of a machine, i.e....
21st August 2006
Quote:Allowing for equalized credit across projects is allowing for all projects to be equal in everyone's eyes, and...
19th August 2006
Personally, I think they have gone too far with the latest correction, and the rate should be reset to what it was with 4....
19th August 2006