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So, the GPU cards are not failing, per say. It's just they don't have enough memory to run the newer GW tasks? I was...
8th May 2020
Within the past month, two of my boxes (ID: 8183504, ID: 10810284) with almost identical GPU cards (NVIDIA GTX-760) have...
8th May 2020
Just heard about SETI@Home shutting down.  I have been crunching both Einstein and SETI@Home for many years.  I have got...
8th March 2020
Quote:You should reduce any overclocking back closer to default values to see if the problem goes away. Good luck...
13th July 2016
Quote:Quote:... they stopped using V1.57 and have gone back to V 1.52! No they haven't. V1.57 is the beta test app (...
8th July 2016