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Filipe commented on Hardware upgrade
Anyone with a cpu with a lot of L2 cache? maybe an i7? Who can confirm that the S6 Search is heavily dependent on the...
2nd April 2014
Filipe commented on Hardware upgrade
Quote:The Q8400 is more of a bottleneck than the 550Ti in RAC production. Yes the 8400 is pretty slow at einstein...
2nd April 2014
Filipe started discussion Hardware upgrade
I'm crunching with a 550TI. It takes +/-70min to do a single BRPR4G wu. What Increase in RAC can i expect from a 750TI...
31st March 2014
2014-03-29 13:33:40.8489 [PID=11587] [version] OpenCL GPU RAM required min: 1073741824.000000, supplied: 1073283072...
29th March 2014
BRP4 Status is stuck. Is Arecibo operational now after the earthquake?
26th March 2014