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Why do I feel like I am entitled? Because I am donating electricity to this project. I am donating time to download the...
25th February 2005
Jim Baize commented on I rest my case
> What I really don't understand is all of the angst. > > First, "denial of service" is just the wrong term....
25th February 2005
Jim Baize commented on I rest my case
It seems to me that we crunchers who have our "Connect ever X days" set low are not having troubles with deadlines (with...
24th February 2005
It's mass with tend towards infinity. > > > Where is it going? My neighborhood is leaving and didn't even...
24th February 2005
I got BOINC installed on my linux machine now, but it hasn't contacted any of the servers yet. I think I may have...
24th February 2005