alex commented on What's playing on the stereo? - Closed
Stars are Blind
I think this is the Paris Hilton song.
17th June 2006
alex commented on Any chance getting a Solaris/x86 version of E@H?
Since it's an X86 box, I don't see why he can't just run in an OS emulator or run WINE.
11th November 2005
alex commented on BBC: The science of riding gravity waves
They've got Einstein@home linked on the right hand column.
9th November 2005
alex started discussion Movie: Far Side Of The Moon.
I saw this movie at the Vancouver Film Festival..
5th November 2005
alex commented on Why do binary systems spiral INTO each other?
So.. gravity waves are a result of relativitistic motion?... ie.. measurable/noticable if the objects are moving/...
28th October 2005
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