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> The faulty one was not (IIRC) present when I first tried the CLI, but showed > up after my further ham-handed...
2nd December 2004
> I don't know why it would not run. The CLI work was done via the SETI message > boards, see this thread; From...
1st December 2004
> You are confusing what appears to be two different bugs - > Bug 1 - a BOINC bug related to being unable to run the...
30th November 2004
@DerekL I believe that I found your problem. As it turns out, it is not an E@H problem, but a bug in BOINC. I have...
29th November 2004
ralic commented on "BOINC GUI Error"
> but perhaps... Is there any FAQ type of section us newbies can go to in order > to get info about common BOINC...
24th November 2004