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Quote:I have had terrible luck getting a E@H install on a SD card to last more than a few weeks. Start getting MMC...
18th March 2016
Quote:The rebuilt Pi2 that was turning in 70k jobs is now turning in 55k jobs and running 3 consecutive jobs at a temp...
17th March 2016
Quote:All 3 Piz reference the same "profile". So for the moment I am at a loss for the answer. I didn't notice if...
15th March 2016
I just put my first PI3 online. W/ heatsink and a fan near, vcgencmd is reporting 46-47C after 10 minutes of all 4 cores...
13th March 2016
Overall, I wanted to share my experience using Pi 2s and Pi Zeros for EAH. Currently I have an 8 node Pi 2 cluster...
12th March 2016