I think, therefore I THINK I am;
Yahweh is love -- Jesus proves it! -- therefore we are.
Descartes' logic does not prove my existence beyond my own mind.
My thinking is not the origin of my existence, it is not the source of my being.
I was born in Eastern Europe. I still speak (and read and write) Magyar. I spent 4 weeks interpreting for the centennial Olympic Games. I earned my PhD in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. I am a registered professional engineer.
Then the LORD saw how great was man's wickedness on earth, his heart was grieved. But Noah found favor with the LORD.
When God saw how corrupt the earth had become, since all mortals led depraved lives, he said to Noah: "I have decided to put an end to all mortals on earth; the earth is full of lawlessness because of them.
"Make yourself an ark, put compartments in it and cover it with pitch: the length shall be three hundred cubits, its width fifty and its height thirty cubits. I am about to bring the flood waters, to destroy everywhere all creatures. But with you I will establish my covenant; you and your sons, your wife and your sons' wives. Of all other living creatures you shall bring two into the ark, one male and one female, that you may keep them alive. Moreover, you are to provide yourself with all the food that is to be eaten."
Then the LORD said to Noah: "Go into the ark. Seven days from now I will bring rain down for 40 days and nights and I will wipe out from the surface of the earth every moving creature that I have made."
With his sons, his wife, and his sons' wives, Noah went into the ark. Of the animals, two by two male and female entered the ark with Noah, just as the LORD had commanded. As soon as the seven days were over, the waters of the flood came.
For forty days and forty nights heavy rain poured down on the earth. All creatures on earth perished: only Noah and those with him in the ark were left.
God remembered Noah and all the animals with him. So God made a wind sweep over the earth and the waters began to subside. At the end of 150 days the waters had so diminished that the ark came to rest.
Noah opened the hatch in the ark, and he sent out a dove, to see if the waters had lessened. But the dove could find no place to alight and it returned. He waited 7 days and again sent the dove out... and this time it did not come back.
Then God said to Noah: "Go out of the ark. Bring out with you every living thing that is with you and let them abound on the earth, breeding and multiplying on it."
Then Noah built an altar to the LORD, and he offered holocausts.
God blessed Noah and said: "Be fertile and multiply and fill the earth. Every creature that is alive shall be yours to eat; I give them all to you as I did the green plants.
God said, "See, I am now establishing my covenant with you and your descendants, never again shall all bodily creatures be destroyed by the waters of a flood. This is the sign that I am giving for all ages to come - I set my bow in the clouds to serve as a sign of the everlasting covenant that I have established."
This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about. When his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was with child through the holy Spirit.
Joseph her husband, a righteous man, yet unwilling to expose her to shame, decided to divorce her quietly. Such was his intention when the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home. For it is through the holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in her.
She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus, (Yahweh saves) because he will save his people from their sins."
All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet:
"Behold, the virgin shall be with child and bear a son,
and they shall name him Emmanuel,"
which means "God is with us."
You are Peter; upon this rock I will build my church & the gates of hell shall not prevail against it--I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus said: Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, I will raise him on the last day. For my flesh is true food, my blood is true drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me & I in him. John 6.
Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them. John 20
Dios es amor. Christ, risen savior of humankind, is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. He is the Messiah, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. He will come again in glory. "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except thru me. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End."
the LORD said, "The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous that I will go down and see if what they have done is as bad as the outcry that has reached me. If not, I will know."
The two angels arrived at Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gateway of the city. When he saw them, he got up to meet them and bowed down with his face to the ground. 2 "My lords," he said, "please turn aside to your servant's house. You can wash your feet and spend the night and then go on your way early in the morning."
he insisted so strongly that they did go with him and entered his house. He prepared a meal for them, baking bread without yeast, and they ate. 4 Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom—both young and old—surrounded the house. 5 They called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them."
[b]With the coming of dawn, the angels urged Lot, saying, "Hurry! Take your wife and your two daughters who are here, or you will be swept away when the city is punished."
When he hesitated, the men grasped his hand and the hands of his wife and of his two daughters and led them safely out of the city, for the LORD was merciful to them. As soon as they had brought them out, one of them said, "Flee for your lives! Don't look back, and don't stop anywhere in the plain! Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!"
In the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a town of Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the house of David, and the virgin's name was Mary.
And coming to her, he said, "Hail, favored one! The Lord is with you." But she was greatly troubled at what was said and pondered what sort of greeting this might be. Then the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father, he will rule over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end."
But Mary said to the angel, "How can this be, since I have no relations with a man?"
And the angel said to her in reply, "The holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God. And behold, Elizabeth, your relative, has also conceived a son in her old age, and this is the sixth month for her who was called barren; for nothing will be impossible for God."
Mary said, "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word." Then the angel departed from her.
The women who had come from Galilee with him followed behind, and when they had seen the tomb and the way in which his body was laid in it, they returned and prepared spices and perfumed oils. Then they rested on the sabbath according to the commandment.
But at daybreak on the first day of the week they took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb; but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.
While they were puzzling over this, behold, two men in dazzling garments appeared to them. They were terrified and bowed their faces to the ground.
They said to them, "Why do you seek the living one among the dead? He is not here, but he has been raised. Remember what he said to you while he was still in Galilee, that the Son of Man must be handed over to sinners and be crucified, and rise on the third day."
And they remembered his words.
Then they returned from the tomb and announced all these things to the eleven and to all the others. The women were Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Mary the mother of James; the others who accompanied them also told this to the apostles, but their story seemed like nonsense and they did not believe them.
But Peter got up and ran to the tomb, bent down, and saw the burial cloths alone; then he went home amazed at what had happened.
A vila'g teremte'se
1 Kezdetben teremtette Isten az eget, a fo:ldet e's mindent, ami e'gen-fo:ldo:n le'tezik. 2 A fo:ld kaotikus, lakatlan e's u:res volt, a me'lyse'get so:te'tse'g bori'totta be. De Isten Szelleme ott lebegett a me'lyse'ges vizek fo:lo:tt.
Elso: nap
3 Parancsolt Isten: "Legyen vila'gossa'g!"" — e's fo:lragyogott a vila'gossa'g.
4 Akkor Isten megvizsga'lta a vila'gossa'got, e's o:ro:me't lelte benne. Majd elva'lasztotta a vila'gossa'got a so:te'tse'gto:l. 5 Azuta'n elnevezte a vila'gossa'got nappalnak, a so:te'tse'get pedig e'jszaka'nak. Majd lesza'llt az este, azuta'n felvirradt a reggel — ez volt az elso: nap.[c]
Ma'sodik nap
6 Azuta'n isme't parancsolt Isten: "Legyen boltozat a vizek ko:zo:tt, hogy elva'lassza a vizeket egyma'sto'l!"
7 I'gy teremtette Isten a boltozatot, amely elva'lasztotta a boltozat alatti vizeket a boltozat fo:lo:tti vizekto:l — e's u'gy is lett.
8 Majd elnevezte a boltozatot e'gnek. Lesza'llt az este, azuta'n felvirradt a reggel — ez volt a ma'sodik nap.
Harmadik nap
9 Azuta'n isme't parancsolt Isten: "Gyu:ljo:n o:ssze az e'g alatt minden vi'z egy helyre, e's va'ljon la'thato'va' a sza'razfo:ld!" — e's u'gy is lett.
10 Majd elnevezte a szila'rd alapzatot sza'razfo:ldnek, az o:sszegyu:lt vizet pedig tengernek. Akkor Isten megvizsga'lta, amit alkotott, e's o:ro:me't lelte benne.
11 Azuta'n isme't parancsolt Isten: "Sarjadjon ki a fo:ldbo:l mindenfe'le zo:ldello: no:ve'ny: magot termo: la'gysza'ru' no:ve'nyek e's gyu:mo:lcsfa'k, amelyek terme'se'ben szinte'n mag van!" — e's u'gy is lett. 12 A fo:ldbo:l kihajtott mindenfe'le zo:ldello: no:ve'ny: magot termo: la'gysza'ru' no:ve'nyek e's gyu:mo:lcsfa'k, amelyek terme'se'ben szinte'n mag van. Akkor Isten megvizsga'lta, amit alkotott, e's o:ro:me't lelte benne. 13 Majd lesza'llt az este, azuta'n felvirradt a reggel — ez volt a harmadik nap.
Negyedik nap
14 Azuta'n isme't parancsolt Isten: "Legyenek vila'gi'to' e'gitestek az e'g boltozata'n! Va'lassza'k el a nappalt az e'jszaka'to'l, szolga'ljanak jeleku:l, e's mutassa'k meg a kijelo:lt ido:ket, napokat e's e'veket! 15 Ragyogjanak az e'g boltozata'n, e's vila'gi'tsa'k meg a fo:ldet!" — e's u'gy is lett. 16 I'gy alkotta Isten a ke't nagy vila'gi'to' e'gitestet: az ero:sebb fe'nyu:t, hogy nappal uralkodjon, e's a gyenge'bb fe'nyu:t, hogy e'jjel uralkodjon. Megalkotta a csillagokat is.
17 Isten helyezte ezeket az e'g boltozata'ra, hogy vila'gi'tsanak a fo:ldre, 18 hogy uralkodjanak nappal e's e'jjel, e's hogy va'lassza'k el a vila'gossa'got a so:te'tse'gto:l. Akkor Isten megvizsga'lta, amit alkotott, e's o:ro:me't lelte benne. 19 Majd lesza'llt az este, azuta'n felvirradt a reggel — ez volt a negyedik nap.
o:to:dik nap
20 Azuta'n isme't parancsolt Isten: "Mindenfajta vi'zi e'lo:le'ny nyu:zso:gjo:n a vizekben! A fo:ld felett, az e'g boltozata'n repdessenek sza'rnyas e'lo:le'nyek!"
21 I'gy teremtette Isten a nagy vi'zia'llatokat e's mindenfe'le egye'b vi'zi e'lo:le'nyt, amelyek e'lnek, mozognak, e's to:megesen nyu:zso:gnek a vi'zben. Teremtett mindenfe'le repu:lo: sza'rnyas a'llatot is. Akkor Isten megvizsga'lta, amit teremtett, e's o:ro:me't lelte benne. 22 Majd mega'ldotta o:ket: "Legyetek terme'kenyek, szaporodjatok, sokasodjatok, e's ne'pesi'tse'tek be a tenger vize't! A sza'rnyas a'llatok is sokasodjanak, e's terjedjenek el a fo:ldo:n!" 23 Majd lesza'llt az este, azuta'n felvirradt a reggel — ez volt az o:to:dik nap.
Hatodik nap
24 Azuta'n isme't parancsolt Isten: "Hozzon elo: a fo:ld mindenfajta sza'razfo:ldi a'llatot: ha'zia'llatokat, kisebb e's nagyobb vada'llatokat!" — e's u'gy is lett.
25 I'gy alkotott Isten mindenfe'le nagyobb vada'llatot, ha'zia'llatot e's kisebb a'llatot. Akkor Isten megvizsga'lta, amit alkotott, e's o:ro:me't lelte benne.
26 Szo'lt Isten: "Alkossunk embert, aki hasonlo' hozza'nk, e's olyan, mint mi. Uralkodjon a tenger halain, az e'g madarain e's a ha'zia'llatokon. Uralkodjon az ege'sz fo:ldo:n e's a kisebb a'llatokon, amelyek a fo:ldo:n mozognak!" 27 Megteremtette ha't Isten az embert, aki hasonli't hozza'. u'gy teremtette, hogy olyan legyen, mint o:. Fe'rfinak e's no:nek teremtette o:ket. 28 Azuta'n mega'ldotta o:ket:
"Legyetek terme'kenyek,
szaporodjatok, sokasodjatok,
ne'pesi'tse'tek be a fo:ldet,
e's vegye'tek birtokba!
Uralkodjatok a tenger halain, az e'g madarain
e's a to:bbi a'llatokon,
amelyek a fo:ldo:n e'lnek e's mozognak."
29 Me'g azt is mondta nekik Isten: "Ne'zze'tek! Nektek adok az ege'sz fo:ldo:n minden magot termo: no:ve'nyt e's minden gyu:mo:lcsfa't, amelynek terme'se'ben mag van — ezek fognak ta'pla'lni benneteket. 30 A fo:ld o:sszes a'llatainak pedig a zo:ldello: no:ve'nyeket adom ta'pla'le'kul. A mezei vadaknak, az e'gi madaraknak, e's minden egye'b sza'razfo:ldi a'llatnak, amelyben az e'let lehelete van, odaadtam a fo:ld o:sszes zo:ld no:ve'nye't, hogy azt egye'k." 31 Akkor Isten megvizsga'lt mindent, amit le'trehozott, e's nagyon jo'nak tala'lta. Majd lesza'llt az este, azuta'n felvirradt a reggel — ez volt a hatodik nap.
http://w2.vatican.va/content/vatican/en.html The Rock
http://www.abortionNO.org A very inconvenient truth
When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together.
And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them.
And they were all filled with the holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim.
Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven staying in Jerusalem. At this sound, they gathered in a large crowd, but they were confused because each one heard them speaking in his own language. They were astounded, and in amazement they asked, "Are not all these people who are speaking Galileans? Then how does each of us hear them in his own native language?
Then Peter stood up with the Eleven and proclaimed to them, "You who are Jews, indeed all of you staying in Jerusalem. Let this be known to you, and listen to my words. This is what was spoken through the prophet Joel:
'It will come to pass in the last days,' God says,
'that I will pour out a portion of my spirit upon all flesh.
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
your young men shall see visions,
your old men shall dream dreams.
Indeed, upon my servants and my handmaids
I will pour out a portion of my spirit in those days,
and they shall prophesy...
and it shall be that everyone shall be saved who calls on
the name of the Lord.\'
You Israelites, hear these words. Jesus the Nazorean was a man commended to you with mighty deeds, wonders, and signs, which God worked through Him in your midst, as you yourselves know. This man, delivered up by the set plan and foreknowledge of God, you killed, using lawless men to crucify him. But God raised him up, releasing him from death, because it was impossible for him to be held by it.
God raised Jesus; of this we are all witnesses. Exalted at the right hand of God, he received the promise of the holy Spirit from the Father and poured it forth, as you both see and hear. Therefore let all Israel know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Messiah, this Jesus whom you crucified.\"
Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and they asked Peter and the other apostles, "What are we to do, my brothers?"
Peter said to them, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the holy Spirit. For the promise is made to you and to your children and to all those far off, whomever the Lord our God will call." He testified with many other arguments, and was exhorting them, "Save yourselves from this corrupt generation." Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand persons were added that day.
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The former heaven and former earth had passed away. I also saw the holy city, a new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Behold, God's dwelling is with the human race. He will dwell with them and they will be his people and God himself will always be with them as their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there shall be no more death or mourning, wailing or pain, for the old order has passed away."
The one who sat on the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new." Then he said, "Write these words down, for they are trustworthy and true."
He said to me, "They are accomplished. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give a gift from the spring of life-giving water.
Az Ige emberre' lett
1 Kezdetben volt az Ige, aki Istennel egyu:tt volt, e's maga is Isten volt. 2 Az Ige kezdetben egyu:tt volt Istennel. 3 Minden az Ige a'ltal jo"tt le'tre, ne'lku:le egyetlen teremtme'ny sem keletkezett. 4 Benne volt az e'let, amely a vila'gossa'g volt az emberek sza'ma'ra. 5 A vila'gossa'g fe'nylik a so"te'tse'gben, de a
so"te'tse'g sohasem tudta legyo"zni, feltarto'ztatni vagy mege'rteni.
6 Isten ku:ldo"tt egy embert, akit Ja'nosnak hi'vtak. 7 O" aze'rt jo"tt, hogy tanu'skodjon a vila'gossa'gro'l, s hogy mindenki halljon arro'l, aki a vila'gossa'g, e's higgyen benne. 8 Nem o" volt a vila'gossa'g, hanem aze'rt jo"tt, hogy tanúskodjon a vila'gossa'gro'l mindenkinek.
9 Az igazi vila'gossa'g — aki mindenkit megvila'gosi't — ma'r ke'szen volt arra, hogy megjelenjen. 10 Ma'r a vila'gon volt, e's ba'r ez a vila'g a'ltala jo"tt le'tre, az emberek me'gsem ismerte'k fel o"t. 11 A saja't birtoka'ba jo"tt, de a saja't ne'pe nem fogadta be.
12 Akik viszont befogadta'k — vagyis akik hisznek benne —, azoknak mind felhatalmaza'st e's leheto"se'get adott arra, hogy Isten gyermekeive' legyenek. 13 Azonban o"k nem úgy szu:lettek, ahogyan a gyermekek vila'gra jo"nnek. Nem az emberi testbo"l sza'rmaznak, nem testi va'gybo'l, nem a fe'rfi akarata'bo'l, hanem maga'to'l Istento"l szu:lettek.
14 Az Ige hús-ve'r emberre' lett, e's ko"zo"ttu:nk e'lt, mi pedig ko"zelro"l szemle'ltu:k a dicso"se'ge't. Igen, a Mennyei Atya'to'l sza'rmazo' egyszu:lo"tt Fiú dicso"se'ge't, akiben az isteni kegyelem e's a valo'sa'g teljesse'ge lakik. 15 O"ro'la tanúskodott Keresztelo" Ja'nos, amikor hirdette: "O" az — kia'ltott fel —, akiro"l elo"re megmondtam, hogy el fog jo"nni! O" az, aki ugyan ke'so"bb e'rkezik, mint e'n, me'gis nagyobb na'lam, mert ma'r akkor is le'tezett, amikor e'n me'g meg sem szu:lettem."
16 O" az, akinek a teljesse'ge'bo"l kaptunk mindannyian sokfe'le kegyelmet, a'lda'st e's aja'nde'kot az isteni kegyelem alapja'n. 17 A To"rve'nyt Mo'zesen keresztu:l kaptuk, de a kegyelem e's a valo'sa'g a Messia's Je'zuson keresztu:l jo"tt el hozza'nk. 18 Istent soha nem la'tta egyetlen ember sem. Az egyszu:lo"tt Fiú — aki maga is Isten, e's nagyon szoros ko"zo"sse'gben van az Atya'val —, o" mutatta meg neku:nk, e's ismertette meg velu:nk, milyen az Isten.[d]
Keresztelo" Ja'nos tanúskodik Je'zusro'l
19 A jeruzsa'lemi valla'si vezeto"k papokat e's le'vita'kat ku:ldtek Keresztelo" Ja'noshoz, hogy ke'rdezze'k meg to"le: "Ki vagy te?"
20 Ja'nos nyi'ltan megmondta, e's elismerte: "Nem e'n vagyok a Messia's!"
21 "Akkor ki vagy, tala'n Ille's?" — ke'rdezte'k.
"Nem" — mondta Ja'nos.
"Te vagy a Pro'fe'ta?"[e]
Ja'nos i'gy felelt: "Nem, az sem vagyok."
22 Ekkor ezt ke'rdezte'k to"le: "Ha't akkor ki vagy? Mondd meg, hogy va'laszolhassunk azoknak, akik minket elku:ldtek! Mit mondasz magadro'l?"
23 Ve'gu:l Keresztelo" Ja'nos E'zsaia's pro'fe'ta szavaival va'laszolt: "Az a hang vagyok, aki ezt kia'ltja:
-- Ke'szi'tsetek utat az O"ro"kke'valo'nak a pusztasa'gban! -- "[f]
24 Ezek a ku:ldo"ttek a farizeusok csoportja'hoz tartoztak. 25 Tova'bb ke'rdezgette'k Ja'nost: "Ha nem vagy sem a Messia's, sem Ille's, sem pedig a Pro'fe'ta, akkor mie'rt meri'ted be az embereket?"
26 Ja'nos erre i'gy va'laszolt: "Igaz, e'n vi'zbe meri'tem be az embereket, de van ko"zo"ttetek valaki, akit nem ismertek. 27 O" az, aki ke'so"bb fog mege'rkezni, mint e'n, s akinek me'g a saruja't sem vagyok me'lto' levenni a la'ba'ro'l."
28 Mindezek a Jorda'n folyo' keleti oldala'n le'vo" Beta'nia'ban to"rte'ntek, ahol Ja'nos bemeri'tette az embereket.
O" az Isten Ba'ra'nya!
29 Ma'snap Keresztelo" Ja'nos megla'tta Je'zust, amint fele'je ko"zeledett, e's ezt mondta: "Ne'zze'tek! O" az Isten Ba'ra'nya, aki maga'ra veszi az ege'sz vila'g o"sszes bune't! 30 O" az, akiro"l azt mondtam, hogy ke'so"bb fog mege'rkezni, mint e'n, me'gis nagyobb na'lam, mert ma'r elo"ttem le'tezett. 31 E'n nem ismertem o"t, de aze'rt jo"ttem, e's aze'rt meri'tem vi'zbe az embereket, hogy Izra'el ne'pe sza'ma'ra leleplezo"djo"n, hogy o" a Messia's."
32 Ezuta'n Ja'nos i'gy tanúskodott: "La'ttam a Szent Szellemet, amikor lesza'llt a Mennybo"l, mint egy galamb, e's megnyugodott o"rajta. 33 Nem ismertem o"t, de aki elku:ldo"tt, hogy vi'zbe meri'tsem be az embereket, azt mondta nekem: >>La'tni fogod, hogy a Szent Szellem lesza'll, e's megnyugszik egy fe'rfin. O" az, aki majd Szent Szellembe fog bemeri'teni.<< 34 Mivel pedig szemtanúja voltam annak, hogy ez beteljesedett, eze'rt tanúsi'tom, hogy o" az Isten Fia."[g]
Je'zus elso" tani'tva'nyai
35 A ko"vetkezo" napon Keresztelo" Ja'nos — ke't tani'tva'nya'val egyu:tt — isme't ugyanott volt. 36 Megint e'szrevette Je'zust, amint ott ja'rt-kelt, e's ezt mondta:
"Ne'zze'tek! O" az Isten Ba'ra'nya!"
37 Amikor ezt az a ke't tani'tva'ny meghallotta, Je'zus uta'n indultak. 38 Je'zus megfordult, la'tta, hogy ko"vetik, e's megke'rdezte to"lu:k: "Mit akartok?" O"k ezt ke'rdezte'k: "Rabbi, hol laksz?" ("Rabbi" azt jelenti: "Mester, Tani'to' ".)
39 "Gyertek velem, e's megla'tja'tok!" — va'laszolta Je'zus. Azok ketten vele is mentek, e's megne'zte'k, hol lakik. Ko"ru:lbelu:l de'luta'n ne'gy o'ra volt akkor, e's aznap na'la is maradtak.
40 Ez a ke't tani'tva'ny hallotta, amit Ja'nos Je'zusro'l mondott, e's ko"vette'k Je'zust. Az egyiku:k Andra's volt, Simon Pe'ter testve're. 41 Andra's azonnal megkereste a testve're't, Simont, e's ezt mondta neki: "Ra'tala'ltunk a Messia'sra!" (A he'ber "Messia's" szo' go"ro"gu:l "Krisztus", magyarul "Felkent".)[h]
42 Azuta'n Andra's odavezette Simon Pe'tert Je'zushoz, aki ra'ne'zett, e's ezt mondta: "Te Simon vagy, Jo'na fia. Ke'fa's lesz a neved." (Ez azt jelenti: "Pe'ter", vagyis ko".[i])
43 Ma'snap Je'zus el akart menni Galilea'ba. Ekkor tala'lkozott Fu:lo"ppel, e's megszo'li'totta: "Csatlakozz hozza'm, e's ko"vess engem!" 44 Fu:lo"p Be'tsaida'bo'l, Andra's e's Pe'ter va'rosa'bo'l sza'rmazott. 45 Ke'so"bb Fu:lo"p tala'lkozott Na'ta'nae'llel, e's elújsa'golta neki: "Megtala'ltuk azt, akiro"l Mo'zes i'rt a To"rve'nyben, e's akiro"l a pro'fe'ta'k is i'rtak! Je'zusnak hi'vja'k, Jo'zsef fia, e's Na'za'retbo"l valo'."
46 Na'ta'nae'l i'gy va'laszolt: "Ugyan, mi jo' jo"het Na'za'retbo"l?"
"Gyere, e's ne'zd meg magad!" — va'laszolt Fu:lo"p.
47 Amikor Je'zus la'tta, hogy Na'ta'nae'l ko"zeledik fele'je, azt mondta ro'la: "Ne'zze'tek, itt jo"n egy igazi izraelita, akiben semmi hamissa'g nincsen!"
48 Na'ta'nae'l csoda'lkozva ke'rdezte: "Honnan ismersz engem?"
Je'zus ezt va'laszolta: "La'ttalak te'ged a fu:gefa alatt, mielo"tt Fu:lo"p idehi'vott."
49 Ekkor Na'ta'nae'l ezt mondta: "Rabbi, te vagy az Isten Fia, te vagy Izra'el Kira'lya!"
50 Je'zus i'gy felelt: "Aze'rt hiszel, mert azt mondtam, hogy la'ttalak a fu:gefa alatt? Enne'l nagyobb dolgokat is la'tsz majd." 51 E's i'gy folytatta: "Igaza'n mondom nektek: megla'tja'tok majd a megnyi'lt Mennyet, e's Isten angyalait, amint fel- e's lesza'llnak az Emberfia'ra."[k]
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