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Apologies if this has been answered recently. I've been away for a while. Will there be a CUDA version of this app in the...
2nd July 2017
I haven't seen anyone else post about this, but I'm curious if anyone may know the answer. When running the FGRBP1 GPU...
17th March 2017
DanNeely wrote:the current FGRPB GPU tasks aren't (weren't?) playing nicely with AMD 4xx cards.  Single tasks don't max...
18th February 2017
I'm thinking about picking up another GPU or two, but I'm looking for something that will give me the most "bang for the...
17th February 2017
walton748 wrote:Matt wrote Woke up this morning to find a large number (66) of tasks failed immediately over night. They...
24th January 2017