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I tried again on my i7-6700k with the new driver dated 3/8/2016, I got 1 task validated, 3 invalid, 3...
23rd April 2016
In fact I just got a WU that did get validated... perhaps things are improving, Im running Beta apps by the way
19th November 2015
Yeah Im having no luck right now either, they are all showing invalid
14th November 2015
Hi so I just upgraded to an i7-6700k with HD 530 iGPU, Im on win 10 still, I returned 1 iGPU task but it looks to be...
30th October 2015
Hi my CPU (3770k) is OC'd but the iGPU is at stock. I have a GTX 780Ti (not OC'd) as my main GPU and I fool the iGPU into...
31st August 2015