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dskagcommunity commented on Flops
Are these values for real? I hear sometimes it does not shows the real flops You computed because differences between...
19th September 2012
My e8400@3,85 ghz runns einstein with no problems (15% cpu load per wu at the same time) at constant 98-99% gpu load on a...
18th September 2012
omg that remembering me as i try to test a "new generation" ati card in my workingpc for compatibiltytests on
6th September 2012
only the work generation seems to be stopped. Distribution should run or do i read that wrong? Tasks to send brp4 18,...
4th September 2012
hm to late for edit. I wanted to try it with my 8800GT too but i dont get any work O.o Sheduler Log: http://einstein....
4th September 2012