Naoki TAKISAWA was born at Mellvere city in the principality of Gallia 1915 E.C. During the Second Europa War (E.W.II) he campaigned as a combat engineer of Gallian volunteer army. Despite his duty of demine, he stepped landmines frequently. For unknown reasons every mine was unexploded, so he was given nicknames as "mine disposal with foot", "UX foot (UneXplosive)" and "SOFL (scout only for landmine)". After the war he embarked on digging up underground resource Ragnite, but failed and spent the rest of life digging his small backyard without any meaning. One of his child, predicted father's dream never come true, emigrated to a country at far east asia for work.
NOTE: this is a fiction based on a video game of Gallian Chronicles published by Sega.
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I'm a scientist at a university in Japan. My specialty is polymer sciences particularly in adhesions, sealants, coatings and their related phenomena.
I've administrated a dozen computers for scientific calculations such as molecular orbital calculations, optimal molecular-structure determinations, image analyses and some simulations about fluidity. They are also for more common usage such as web-, mail-, mailing-list-, ftp-, and file-hosting. Their idle capacities impart to this BOINC project.
My hobbies are (re)discovering magic hacks in UNIX systems, programmings with C, Fortran and Perl for fun (sometimes I confuse their language manners ;-)), breeding tropical fishes, watching the series of [url=]Star Trek[/url] (my favorite is [url=]Lt. Com. Data[/url]), making up plastic models of Gundam. Recently I'm really into iPhone/iPad/iPodTouch applications so called iApps, their integrated developping environment (IDE as Xcode) and Objective-C programming language are cool sandbox to raise me rocks!
Steve JOBS backing again the CEO of Apple Inc. said in early '80s a inspiring message to his co-workers that
We're here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here?
This phrase is hitting my mind, and I wanna do most things along it.
My weblog is here written in my mother tongue of Japanese encoded with jp-ja euc, but you can browse my hobbies via images attached there.
Congratulation for Ei@Ho has discovered a spinning neutron star. This is widely published on common news sites in my country Japan, Summer 2010.
1. Easily I monitor my computers keeping well via my account of this project. A machine reporting no result over a several days has troubles shoud be fixed. Sure that my machines have their own missions such as storing, manipurating and serving data. Over their working cycle CPUs bring out their maximum computing power momentarily, the most of time they has a little load with consuming at leaset 100 watt each in the machine. It's a waste. You'd suggest me their sleep, but they sometimes crash during waking up. This's really nightmare for the most system administrators like me because we must go to the real machine, reboot it with pushing its mechanical button, and fix our eyes on a console edgily until all the system get back well. It occurs frequently on my off-time, week end or blue monday early morning ;-~.
2. I'v let my computers devote their powers to this Einstein@Home project because of its fruitful and positive purpose. In my poor understanding, Ei@Ho gives a spot light on astronomic study elucidating physical phenomena originally predicted by the geometric theory of gravitation published by Dr. Albert Einstein. The scientific findings led from the study may not innovate our daily life in short period, but is giving us dream sometimes with amazing figures. Our offspring in the future must eat the successful fruits to sail outward our solar system.
3. I've though the aim of Einstein@Home described in its front page is too short, daresay a little bit poor. Ei@Ho introduces itself a program to search for spinning neutron stars using data from gravitational wave detectors. This is enough for well-educated person like you to catch up its importance, but insufficient for person in the street. Einstein@Home should send more easy-to-understood message restraining jargons and signals :-) for more person who will be gathering.
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