KittenKaboodle commented on no more cuda work?
Well I am doing what Jeroen told me to do: Torture the server with requests for GPU WUs every few minutes :D
That seems to...
30th July 2011
KittenKaboodle commented on no more cuda work?
But everything works (i.e I am getting enough BRP4 WUs) when I am not using the app_info.xml file.
30th July 2011
KittenKaboodle commented on no more cuda work?
Quote:Quote:I too can't seem to get any BRP4 GPU work since they finished BRP3. What's up? The Tasks to Send for...
30th July 2011
Quote:However, from what others have said about running CPU and GPU tasks from the same project simultaneously, I...
30th April 2011
KittenKaboodle commented on Completed, too late to validate
Thanks for your thorough answer, Gary.
I was able to reduce the cache while maintaining enough GPU WUs by inserting the...
26th April 2011
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