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Quote:@Holmis: How did you do that? HTH Michael Copied one of the task-IDs in the leftmost column in the initial...
19th February 2010
The error Mike is getting is: 06:01:46 (1624): Can't acquire lockfile (32) - waiting 35s 06:02:22 (1624): Can't acquire...
19th February 2010
Quote:I guess one thing to have an eye on is how BOINC cients are coping with the new units, scheduler-wise. Are the...
11th February 2010
Holmis commented on Milestones IV
Last 7 days Einstein has had over 100.000 active hosts!
31st January 2010
Holmis commented on Too many jobs
Thanks Mad_Max! My bad on nr 2. As to the 15500, if that comes from my posted log then that's how much it got from...
24th January 2010