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How long has it been at 100%? Minutes, hours or days? What happens if you exit and then restart Boinc? If that doesn't...
27th June 2013
Holmis commented on more units on GPU
In addition to Logforme's answer about heat it can also apply to a too weak power supply. Stressing the GPU requires more...
27th June 2013
Yes they made them about 10 times longer. See this thread in the Tech News section for the announcement.
21st June 2013
Quote:I have had this aborting task error on a LATeah job 167815242 running on computer 6398714 today, 3 others are...
21st June 2013
Quote:Just made gpu utilization 0.2 rather than 1.0. This made 0.5CPU+0.2GPU for 5 simultaneous workloads and...
21st June 2013