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Try using the [ pre ] tag to build tables with whitespaces: [pre] GPU factor | 1 | 0.5...
9th March 2014
For the Gravity Wave S6 tasks the run times varies between ~37000-43000s and ~56500-58500s, if I were to guess I'd say...
9th March 2014
Quote:I have always wondered how come that when we tell BOINC to use one less core for CPU work, and we have a GPU...
7th March 2014
Quote:The CPU value on X.XX CPU + X.XX GPU is there to show the maximum sustained load (*) that the CPU will use to...
6th March 2014
Quote:Well I got some more of these work units. ATM I am running all 4 cpu cores and three tasks at a TIME ON THE GPU...
5th March 2014